About me
In sport, as in workshops, overcoming obstacles is a key challenge, but at the same time offers the opportunity for personal growth. When participants get involved and take on challenges, they not only acquire new skills, but also strengthen their resilience and determination.
Dr. Andreas Mattern
Professional background
Since 09/2022
Environmental Research, BUND, Volkshochschule)
Since 02/2019
PostDoc, Department of Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology, Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research Leipzig
10/2017 – 12/2018
Scientific project supervisor, Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research Leipzig
Certified training as a systemic coach (Institut für Bildungscoaching)
09/2021 – 09/2022
Certified business coach for team and organizational development (SP Training & Consulting)
01/2012 – 12/2016
Doctorate, Chemistry University of Leipzig (Dr. rer. nat.)
10/2009 – 11/2011
M.Sc. Chemistry, University of Leipzig
01/2010 – 06/2010
ERASMUS scholarship, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Language skills
German (mother tongue)
English (C1, business fluent)
Extra-professional commitment
Since 04/2020
Founder and chairman of the NGO „Die Quernetzer e.V.“
05/2017 – 06/2017
Hiking the Camino de Santiago
Since 2014
Member of „Postschwimmverein Leipzig e.V.“